
Photo of the exterior of The Broad at sunset


The Broad makes its collection of contemporary art from the 1950s to the present accessible to the widest possible audience by presenting exhibitions and operating a lending program to art museums and galleries worldwide.

By actively building a dynamic collection that features in-depth representations of influential contemporary artists and by advancing education and engagement through exhibitions and diverse public programming, the museum enriches, provokes, inspires, and fosters appreciation of art of our time.

The Broad was founded by philanthropists Eli and Edythe Broad on Grand Avenue in downtown Los Angeles. Designed by Diller Scofidio + Renfro in collaboration with Gensler, the museum offers free general admission and presents an active program of rotating temporary exhibitions and innovative audience engagement. The Broad is home to 2,000 works of art in the Broad collection, which is one of the world’s leading collections of postwar and contemporary art.

The 120,000-square-foot building features two floors of gallery space and is the headquarters of The Broad Art Foundation’s worldwide lending library, which has been loaning collection works to museums around the world since 1984. The Broad welcomes more than 900,000 visitors from around the world per year.


As part of the museum's commitment to diversity, inclusion, and equity, The Broad created the万博体育下载官方网站to provide opportunities for people to gain the training and experience they need to pursue rewarding careers in the art world, and to increase respect for the field of art handling as a profession.


The main elements of The Broad's design, the



狗万充值平台广泛的是世界着名的建筑公司Diller Scofidio + Renfro与Gensler合作。凭借其创新的“面纱和拱顶”概念,120,000平方英尺,1.4亿美元的建筑设有两层的画廊空间,展示广泛的综合系列,是全球全球贷款图书馆的总部。狗万充值平台

Dubbed “the veil and the vault,” the museum’s design merges the two key components of the building: public exhibition space and collection storage. Rather than relegate the storage to secondary status, the “vault,” plays a key role in shaping the museum experience from entry to exit. Its heavy opaque mass is always in view, hovering midway in the building. Its carved underside shapes the lobby below, while its top surface is the floor plate of the exhibition space. The vault stores the portions of the collection not on display in the galleries or on loan, but DS+R provided viewing windows so visitors can get a sense of the intensive depth of the collection and peer right into the storage holding. The vault is enveloped on all sides by the “veil,” an airy, honeycomb-like structure that spans across the block-long gallery and provides filtered natural daylight.

The Plaza

Directly south of the museum is a public plaza also designed by Diller Scofidio + Renfro, in collaboration with Hood Design Studio, Inc. The landscaping features 100-year-old Barouni olive trees and an open lawn, adding another parcel of critical green space to Grand Avenue.

Timelapse Video

Joanne Heyler, Founding Director

Joanne Heyler, Founding Director

Joanne Heyler, Founding Director

Joanne Heyler

Founding Director, The Broad


Joanne Heyler is founding director of The Broad and a member of the museum’s board of directors. In addition to her role at The Broad, she serves as the director and chief curator of The Broad Art Foundation, which was created in 1984 as a pioneering lending library dedicated to increasing public access to contemporary art through an enterprising loan program and is now headquartered at The Broad.

Committed to fulfilling the Broads’ longtime mission of contemporary art accessible to the widest possible audience, Ms. Heyler leads development of innovative approaches to museum programming, audience engagement, visitor services, marketing, advertising, public relations, social media, and digital platforms at The Broad.

从2010年开始,Heyler女士监督博物馆发展的各个方面,从建立其员工,建立其展览计划,建立广泛的国际档案。狗万充值平台开幕后,广泛是近20年来在洛杉矶成立狗万充值平台的第一个全新的主要博物馆。Heyler女士与Diller Scofidio + Renfro,Gensler和众多专家密切合作,以确保120,000平方英尺的博物馆的最佳实现,其中包括广泛系列中的所有2,000多种工作。狗万充值平台标志着宽广的开放之际,她策划了博物馆的首发安装,从博物馆50,000平方英尺的狗万充值平台画廊空间中聚集了一系列从广泛系列的杰作。

As the director and chief curator of The Broad Art Foundation, Ms. Heyler has grown the foundation’s collection by over 65 percent with the addition of 70 artists, including deep representations of work by crucial postwar figures like Andy Warhol and Joseph Beuys, as well as work by more recent figures like Mark Bradford, Sharon Lockhart, Kara Walker, Jeff Wall, and others. The Broad collection continues to grow by about a work a week under her guidance. Ms. Heyler also oversees the foundation's lending library, expanding the reach of the program to over 8,500 loans to over 500 museums and galleries worldwide since its founding in 1984.

自1989年以来,Heyler女士为广泛的工作,并密狗万充值平台切参与了他们在视觉艺术中的主要慈善投资,其中包括当代艺术博物馆,洛杉矶县艺术博物馆和Zaha的广泛当代艺术博物馆密歇根州立大学的Hadid设计的Eli和Edythe狗万充值平台 Broad Art Museum。

Ms. Heyler received her bachelor’s degree in art history from Scripps College and a master’s degree in the history of art from the Courtauld Institute of London University. In 2017, she was included in Los Angeles magazine’s “11 Women Who are Making L.A. a Better Place” alongside advocates, entrepreneurs, and trailblazers. Ms. Heyler and her family live in South Pasadena.

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Eli and Edythe Broad

Eli and Edythe Broad

Eli Broad是一位着名的商业领袖,他们建造了两个财富500强公司,从大楼内完成了一家五十多年的业务。他是Sunamerica Inc.和Kb Home(以前的Kaufman和Broad Home Corporation)的创始人。

今天,Eli Broad和他的妻子Edythe投入to philanthropy as founders of The Broad Foundations, which they established to advance entrepreneurship for the public good in education, science and the arts. The Broad Foundations, which include The Eli and Edythe Broad Foundation and The Broad Art Foundation, have assets of $3 billion. The Broad Art Foundation has provided over 500 museums and university galleries worldwide with more than 8,000 loans of artwork since 1984.

Through the foundations, the Broads have created groundbreaking independent institutions in each of their three areas of grantmaking, including The Broad Center, which develops leaders to help transform America’s urban public schools; The Broad Institute, a global leader in genomics; and The Broad, which was founded in 2015 as a gift to the city of Los Angeles and is dedicated to making contemporary art accessible to the widest possible audience.


Tireless advocates of Los Angeles, the Broads have championed the cultural and architectural vitality of the city. Committed to the belief that all great cities need a vibrant center, Mr. Broad was the visionary behind the development of Grand Avenue, which will blend residential, retail, cultural and recreational uses into a civic centerpiece to rival the main boulevards of the world’s greatest cities. In 1996, Mr. Broad and then-Mayor Richard Riordan spearheaded the fundraising campaign to build the Frank Gehry-designed Walt Disney Concert Hall, which opened to worldwide acclaim in October 2003. The Broads provided the lead gift to the Los Angeles Opera to create a new production of Richard Wagner’s four-opera cycle Der Ring des Nibelungen in 2009-2010. They gave $10 million in 2008 to create an endowment for programming and arts education at The Eli and Edythe Broad Stage and The Edye Second Space at the Santa Monica College performing arts center.

From 2004 to 2009, Mr. Broad served as a Regent of the Smithsonian Institution by appointment of the U.S. Congress and the President. He is a Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences and in 1994 was named Chevalier in the National Order of the Legion of Honor by the Republic of France. Mr. Broad serves on the board of the Future Generation Art Prize. He received the Carnegie Medal of Philanthropy in 2007 and the David Rockefeller Award from the Museum of Modern Art in March 2009. Strong believers in higher education, the Broads have further extended their philanthropy in the arts. The Broad Foundation made a major contribution to the School of the Arts and Architecture at UCLA for The Eli and Edythe Broad Art Center, designed by Richard Meier. In 1991, the Broads endowed The Eli Broad College of Business and The Eli Broad Graduate School of Management at Michigan State University (MSU), where Mr. Broad graduated cum laude in 1954. In June 2007, the Broads announced a $26 million gift to create the Eli and Edythe Broad Art Museum at MSU, and they gave another $2 million to the project in January 2010. The Zaha Hadid-designed museum opened in November 2012.

Mr. Broad's first book,The Art of Being Unreasonable: Lessons in Unconventional Thinking,由Wiley发表于2012年5月,是一个New York Times,Wall Street Journal,USA Today, 和Washington Postbestseller.

The Broads reside in Los Angeles and have two grown sons.

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Eli and Edythe Broad

the collection

the collection


狗万充值平台广泛的是拥有200多家艺术家的广泛系列中的2,000份作品,是世界领先的战后和当代艺术的藏品之一。该集合具有深入持有的有影响力的当代艺术家,如Jean-Michel Basquiat,Mark Bradford,Jasper Johns,Jeff Koons,芭芭拉克鲁格,Yayoi Kusama,Kerry James Marshall,朱莉梅赫鲁,Takashi Murakami,罗伯特·拉斯谢贝格,ed ruscha.,Cindy Sherman,Cy Twombly,Andy Warhol, 和more, plus an ever-growing representation of younger artists.


The Broad Art Foundation

The Broad Art Foundation

The museum is also home to The Broad Art Foundation, which was created in 1984 as a pioneering lending library dedicated to increasing public access to contemporary art through an enterprising loan program. The foundation has made more than 8,500 loans to over 500 museums and galleries around the world.

How to Make a Loan Request



借助贷款请求,请联系Collection Manag万博体育下载手机版ement主任Vicki Gambill,vgambill@thebroad.org.

狗万充值平台广泛的照片由iwan baan


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