Eli Broad is a renowned business leader who built two Fortune 500 companies from the ground up over a five-decade career in business. He is the founder of both SunAmerica Inc. and KB Home (formerly Kaufman and Broad Home Corporation).
今天,Eli Broad和他的妻子Edythe投入to philanthropy as founders of The Broad Foundations, which they established to advance entrepreneurship for the public good in education, science and the arts. The Broad Foundations, which include The Eli and Edythe Broad Foundation and The Broad Art Foundation, have assets of $3 billion. The Broad Art Foundation has provided over 500 museums and university galleries worldwide with more than 8,000 loans of artwork since 1984.
Through the foundations, the Broads have created groundbreaking independent institutions in each of their three areas of grantmaking, including The Broad Center, which develops leaders to help transform America’s urban public schools; The Broad Institute, a global leader in genomics; and The Broad, which was founded in 2015 as a gift to the city of Los Angeles and is dedicated to making contemporary art accessible to the widest possible audience.
Mr. Broad was the founding chairman and is a life trustee of The Museum of Contemporary Art in Los Angeles, to which The Broad Foundation gave a $30 million challenge grant in December 2008 to rebuild the museum’s endowment and to provide exhibition support. He is a life trustee of The Museum of Modern Art in New York and of the Los Angeles County Museum of Art, where the Broads made a $60 million gift to build the Renzo Piano-designed Broad Contemporary Art Museum, which opened in February 2008, and to fund an art acquisition budget.
洛杉机的不知疲倦的倡导者,Broads一直在倡导这座城市的文化和建筑活狗万充值平台力。布罗德坚信,所有伟大的城市都需要一个充满活力的中心,他是格兰德大道开发项目背后的远见者。格兰德大道将住宅、零售、文化和娱乐用途融合为一个城市中心,与世界上最伟大城市的主要大道相匹敌。1996年,布罗德先生和时任市长理查德·里奥尔丹率先发起筹款活动,建造了弗兰克·盖里设计的沃尔特·迪斯尼音乐厅,该音乐厅于2003年10月开放,受到全世界的赞誉。Broads向洛杉矶歌剧院提供了一份主要礼物,以创作2009-2010年理查德·瓦格纳的四部歌剧《尼伯龙根之戒》的新作品。2008年,他们捐赠了1000万美元,用于在圣莫尼卡学院表演艺术中心的Eli和Edythe Broad Stage以及Edye Second Space创建节目和艺术教育基金会。
From 2004 to 2009, Mr. Broad served as a Regent of the Smithsonian Institution by appointment of the U.S. Congress and the President. He is a Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences and in 1994 was named Chevalier in the National Order of the Legion of Honor by the Republic of France. Mr. Broad serves on the board of the Future Generation Art Prize. He received the Carnegie Medal of Philanthropy in 2007 and the David Rockefeller Award from the Museum of Modern Art in March 2009. Strong believers in higher education, the Broads have further extended their philanthropy in the arts. The Broad Foundation made a major contribution to the School of the Arts and Architecture at UCLA for The Eli and Edythe Broad Art Center, designed by Richard Meier. In 1991, the Broads endowed The Eli Broad College of Business and The Eli Broad Graduate School of Management at Michigan State University (MSU), where Mr. Broad graduated cum laude in 1954. In June 2007, the Broads announced a $26 million gift to create the Eli and Edythe Broad Art Museum at MSU, and they gave another $2 million to the project in January 2010. The Zaha Hadid-designed museum opened in November 2012.
布罗德先生的第一本书,The Art of Being Unreasonable: Lessons in Unconventional Thinking, was published by Wiley in May 2012 and is a纽约时报,Wall Street Journal,今日美国, andWashington Postbestseller.
The Broads reside in Los Angeles and have two grown sons.