Hanif Abdurraqib + Brendan Constantine + Amy Gerstler

Unfolding Language: Hanif Abdurraqib + Brendan Constantine + Amy Gerstler

Thursday, Apr 12, 2018
7:30 p.m.
The Broad, Oculus Hall
Tickets $15 / $30
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  • “I chose Frank O'Hara for his immense ability to hold a moment in his poems and freeze it for an eternity. He is a poet of enormous range, but he is at his best when adding a bluntness to memory. The ways he toys with our ideas of nostalgia and place and the specifics of those things draw me in.”


  • “我认为离题已经成为美国艺术中一个伟大的原则,我们用它编织概念和媒介,从而使我们的方式几乎失去它。对我来说,梅尔维尔和狄金森是这种做法的主要煽动者。事实上,梅尔维尔是我第一个获得许可的人,让我在叙述中冒着巨大的风险时间不会流逝,语言会流逝—Jasper Johns

Amy Gerstler reads from and responds to Ted Berrigan

  • "Ted Berrigan was an emotional collagist who said, ‘One of my principal desires is to make my poems be like my life.’ Erudite and playful, eclectic and experimental, remarkably unassuming, musical and deeply human, his poems ride tides of grace, humor, wonder and gratitude, and manage to channel many bright, sad, tender sensibilities into one beautiful voice."

Tickets are $15 for the poetry reading only. Upcharge includes timed entry tickets toJasper Johns: Something Resembling Truth, subject to availability.


Hanif Abdurraqibis a poet, writer and cultural critic from Columbus, Ohio. His essays and music criticism have been published in The FADER, Pitchfork, The New Yorker and The New York Times. With Big Lucks, Hanif released a limited edition chapbook, Vintage Sadness, in summer 2017. He is a Callaloo Creative Writing Fellow and previously worked for MTV News, where he wrote about the intersections of music, culture and identity. Hanif also wrote the 2016 live shows: MTV Video Music Awards and VH1’s Unsilent Night. His first full length collection,The Crown Ain't Worth Much, was one of 2016’s best-selling poetry books and was named a finalist for the Eric Hoffer Book prize. Hanif's debut collection of essays titled,They Can't Kill Us Until They Kill Us, was published November of 2017 via Two Dollar Radio. He is a member of the poetry collective Echo Hotel with poet/essayist Eve L. Ewing.

Brendan Constantineis the author of four collections of poetry. His work has appeared in Prairie Schooner, FIELD, Ploughshares, Virginia Quarterly, Ninth Letter and the American Journal of Poetry among other journals. His most recent collection isDementia, My Darling(2016 Red Hen Press). He has received grants and commissions from the Getty Museum, James Irvine Foundation and the National Endowment for the Arts. A popular performer, Brendan has presented his work to audiences throughout the U.S. and Europe, also appearing on NPR'sAll Things Considered,大量播客和YouTube。他目前在迎风学校教授诗歌,并定期为医院、寄养院、退伍军人和老年人提供课程。

Amy Gerstleris a writer of poetry, nonfiction and journalism. She has published thirteen books of poetry and a collaborative artists book (with Alexis Smith.)Scattered at Sea, a book of her poems, published by Penguin in June, 2015, was longlisted for the National Book Award, shortlisted for the Kingsley Tufts Award and was a finalist in poetry for the PEN USA literary award. Her book最亲爱的动物(Penguin 2009) was named a New York Times Book Review Notable Book, and was short listed for the Los Angeles Times Book Prize in Poetry. Her previous twelve books include鬼女,Medicine,Crown of Weeds, which won a California Book Award,Nerve StormBitter Angel, which won a National Book Critics Circle Award in poetry. She was the 2010 guest editor of the yearly anthologyBest American Poetry. 她的作品曾出现在各种杂志和选集上,包括《纽约客》、《巴黎评论》、《美国诗歌评论》、《最佳美国诗歌多卷集》和《诺顿后现代美国诗歌选集》。她曾在加州艺术学院、加州理工学院、艺术中心设计学院、犹他大学、皮策学院等地教授写作和/或视觉艺术。她目前在加州大学欧文分校教授MFA写作课程。

About Unfolding Language Literary Series

The Broad and The Library Foundation of Los Angeles’ALOUDseries explores the centrality of authors and poets to Johns’ creative practice by presenting two evenings of readings by contemporary authors, who will present verses from Johns’ literary muses, including Samuel Beckett, Ted Berrigan, Louis-Ferdinand Céline, Hart Crane, Frank O’Hara and Herman Melville, as well as read from their own work.


  • Thursday, Mar. 22, 7:30 p.m.
  • Thursday, Apr. 12, 7:30 p.m.

Co-presented by

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