这三位音乐家:一本奇伦的书,灵感来自Pablo Picasso
$ 14.95
这本儿童的书以Pablo Picasso的风格精美地说明,将孩子介绍给大艺术家工作的各个方面。它旋转了音乐能力,通过绘制毕加索杰作的细节来抚慰野蛮野兽的能力三位音乐家(1921)。Artist Vanessa Hié uses brightly hued watercolors, bold lines, and graphic images to familiarize children with Picasso’s style, while the book closes with a reproduction of Picasso’s original painting and an engaging lesson on the artist’s use of images and symbols, his fascination with theater and music, and his passionate pleas for peace in the wake of world war. Written by Véronique Massenot for children 4 and up.
- 精装
- 9.8“x 12.9”
- 32页